Back Story

I have a degree in English Education from Virginia Commonwealth University and taught both English and Creative Writing in Richmond, Virginia for close to ten years. During my teaching time, I spent many years working on several books. Then, in 2005, I got a call from a publisher and my dream of getting my first book published became a reality.  See the picture here taken at my first Barnes and Noble book signing for my first novel – Vera’s Still Point. Then, I was incredibly fortunate and blessed to publish six more titles. Five of my books are fiction and the last two are spiritual non-fiction. 

My spiritual journey came with a few interesting turns over the last ten years. After reading and studying seemingly every book I could find on spirituality and mysticism, I found A Course in Miracles in 2013. My inner and outer world completely changed. As I studied and began learning the core principles of the Course, I had several mystical experiences (which I relate in detail in my latest book, Letters from the J Underground), and I began tapping into the non-physical realm of my own personal repertoire of angels and teachers and guides. These angelic beings revealed themselves to me over three years ago, and I was guided to begin working with them in my spiritual practice not long after that first revelatory encounter. My practice involves a few protocols I have developed with them to bring about both physical and emotional healings with my clients. 

In addition to my healing work with the Angelic Presence (my term for them), I recently merged my five-year-old Course study group with another local group that meets on Monday night. A lovely group of spiritual teachers and extraordinary healers. We all teach and learn from each other and we know that the metaphysics of the Course are remarkable. And, with Jesus as the teacher and guide, it has led to much healing and repair of the individual–as well as collective–split-mind. I have come to understand through the teaching that one can re-train the mind to think with love instead of fear. A triumph indeed.

For more information on A Course in Miracles, please use the following address or click on the links: Foundation for Inner Peace, P.O. Box 598, Mill Valley, California 94942-0598: and